Latin American meeting of workers to Renew, Innovate and Create

Buenos Aires was the scene of an important presential meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of organizations that are part of the World Organization of Workers – WOW.

During the meeting it was concluded that the social is the most important thing in the life of human society and, therefore, the vital point of the political, economic, ethical and cultural problems in these moments of crisis in this part of the American continent.

The need to develop, with intelligence and realism, the construction of a community that allows us to escape from the serious dehumanization of social and human degradation, was presented by trade union leaders, as well as by recognized experts who gave answers and alternative proposals that reverse the current situation in favour of workers and those who have been marginalized from the common good.

This second presential meeting of the CLAC-WOW took place on November 22 and 23 in the Argentine capital, under the motto: Renew, Innovate and Create, which represented a real challenge for trade union organizations in the daily fight to achieve social justice.
Among the participants present were the highest representatives of the Latin American Federation of Cultural and Social Communication Workers (FELATRACCS), the Latin American Federation of Banking and Insurance Workers (FELATRABS) and the Federation of Commerce and Services Workers (FETRALCOS), from Peru, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico , Curacao, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and (virtually) leaders from Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

In the course of the debates, clarifications were made about the way in which neoliberal fundamentalism has taken over and continues to grow as a serious threat to the main centres of power, even managing to impose the idea that social justice is incompatible with freedom, with democracy, with economic growth, with development. In response, it became clear that this attitude is wrong and that, on the contrary, neoliberalism is giving rise to decades of poverty for the majority of people and for human development, with consequences that are already irreparable, because it has imposed the belief that It was necessary to separate and above all contrast the economic with the social.

On this same occasion, the commitment was made to rescue the values and principles of an authentic democracy that allows for the validity of a way of life where the center of all concerns is the human person, with a clear humanist and Christian content.

The event was inaugurated by Víctor Carricarte, Secretary General of ADEF, whose organization allowed for this plural and unitary day. The presentations addressed topics such as the environment, climate change and its impact on work, a dissertation that was given by Humberto Podetti, president of the National Justice and Peace Commission of the Argentine Episcopal Conference and Juan Pablo Olsson, of the Campaign Global Debt for Climate; about technology and the future of work, presented by Jorge Zaccagnini and Mónica Sladogna; union formation and the challenges of the present, a topic that was discussed by Juan Carlos Herrera, Enrique del Percio, Ramón Ermacora and Mario Morant.

These presentations were preceded by the interventions of the presidents Maritza Chireno (FETRALCOS), Arturo Quiñoa (FELATRABS) and Roberto Mejía (FELATRACCS).

Finally, a day of evaluation and approval of the work program for the year 2024, as well as a meeting of specialists in the labor field took place at the Human Promotion Foundation. The leadership was entrusted to Carlos Gaitán, recognized Latin American union leader of Argentine origin.

Source: (original Spanish)

About WOW

WOW was founded as a Social Christian trade union and finds inspiration in the spiritual believe that man and universe were created by God or by persuasions coinciding with that. The increase of intercultural contacts provided opportunities for the WOW to expand and broaden its view with visions of other religious backgrounds. WOW does so in a joint attempt to build a world community based on freedom, dignity, justice and solidarity.

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