Latin American Humanist and Christian Trade Union Forum: “The Culture of Encounter”

Today, humanity faces the danger of its extinction as never before throughout history, said Humberto Podetti, an Argentine university professor, at the Forum “The Culture of Encounter,” an event that took place on October 4th through a virtual platform, with the participation of Latin American leaders identified with the doctrine of integral humanism.

Unlike other living beings, the human species has been acting to its own detriment, unconsciously trying to extinguish itself, he said in another passage of his presentation during the forum organized by the Latin American Coordinating Committee of Trade Unions affiliated with the World Organization of Workers CLAC -WOW.

In these times marked by global famine, violence that does not come only as a consequence of wars, climate change that is affecting survival systems and economic policies that aggravate social problems, nonetheless, there are signs of hope, which are noted by the mobilization of groups animated by desperation and making their protest against the existing situation public.

Among these signs are the displacements that now number millions of people who emigrate from southern countries to northern countries, such as Europe and the United States, with the hope of finding better living conditions. It is a peaceful invasion that occurs with no other means than their own language and their hopes of finding a place to relocate in dignified conditions.

The above allows us to observe that a process of change is taking place, so much so that there are those who claim that in the political field it could happen that Muslims assume government power in France and a citizen of Turkish origin becomes prime minister in Germany. This is a concrete reality of what is being recorded in a scenario where the displacement of at least 250 million people is observed walking from the poor countries of the south to the rich countries of the north.

This fact has been displayed by Pope Francis, the first Latin American to direct the destinies of the Catholic Church and whose humility has awakened world attention. The first thing he did on the first day when upon assuming his duties in the Vatican, was bow to kiss the ground and, in this way, leave a message to humanity that it must assume that same attitude towards the facts that require a policy of encounter between those who want to be heard, want to be seen and meet again on the path of human solidarity.

Podetti shared with the trade leaders of the CLAC-WOW the message of Pope Francis, who has asked that the borders be opened, that there be no prejudices, that there be no discrimination, which is a whole that is contained in his message “Fratelli Tutti”, the same one who calls us to fraternity, just as Christian doctrine makes it possible to recognize people as children called to love one another.

Source: (original Spanish)

About WOW

WOW was founded as a Social Christian trade union and finds inspiration in the spiritual believe that man and universe were created by God or by persuasions coinciding with that. The increase of intercultural contacts provided opportunities for the WOW to expand and broaden its view with visions of other religious backgrounds. WOW does so in a joint attempt to build a world community based on freedom, dignity, justice and solidarity.

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