BOFOSIJADA 2023: Solidarity and friendship through sports and culture

The traditional manifestation of work, sports and cultural activities organized by BOFOS with the aim of developing friendship among participants and better business cooperation among members of the different financial organizations belonging to branch trade union was held in Ohrid, North Macedonia from 7-11 June 2023.

As has been the case for many years, BOFOSIJADA 2023 too had an international character. So in addition to the sports teams from Serbia colleagues from abroad also participated (Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Romania). A total of 18 organizations actively participated, which is a record!

According to Miloš Bokic, a member of the TU of the National Bank of Serbia and the conference presenter, the goal of these international meetings (this was edition 21), is the development of friendship among the participants. The sports competitions and cultural contests result in more successful cooperation among the participants, developing awareness of the need for trade unions, and the preservation and strengthening of the trade union movement.

‘The investment in BOFOSIJADA is an investment in the humanization of life and work, raising the working and creative abilities of the members and preserving health, with the belief that all will all return home more unique and stronger’, said Miloš Bokic.

Ike Wiersinga, member of the European Board of the World Organization of Workers (WOW) addressed the participants of BOFOSIJADA 2023 by saying “Hvala” for the invitation to come to the BOFOSIJADA. “Hvala” for your friendship. “Hvala” for being a member of WOW. As a member of the WOW Europe board, I am thankful that all of you became a member of WOW. And Mara has a big role in all of you becoming a member. I am very proud that such nice and competent people became member of WOW. I wish you all a great BOFOSIJADA. And although I think that you are all winners, may the best team win. Good luck.

The WOW was further represented by Rolf Weber (Treasurer) and Bjørn van Heusden (Executive Secretary).

During the opening Mara Erdelj, president of BOFOS, asked the attendees for a minute of silence for the recently deceased colleague, great trade unionist, founder of BOFOS, but foremost friend Vladislav Jevtovi?.

Following the minute of silence she addressed the participants with words from the song “Friendship” by Saša Božovic, during which the BOFOS flag was presented and raised.

Mara Erdelj ended by saying that ‘We have gathered here from 12 countries, so that through play, smiles and kind words, we can continue to build our friendship and keep it! May our friendship have no limits! Let us only do good to each other. May each of us understand in our hearts that good comes back to good in life! We know that life passes quickly and there is no turning back. The only time we have is here and now. Relax and enjoy! Let BOFOSIJADA 2023 begin!’

About WOW

WOW was founded as a Social Christian trade union and finds inspiration in the spiritual believe that man and universe were created by God or by persuasions coinciding with that. The increase of intercultural contacts provided opportunities for the WOW to expand and broaden its view with visions of other religious backgrounds. WOW does so in a joint attempt to build a world community based on freedom, dignity, justice and solidarity.

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